1. Top definition
      n., Acronym - 'Significant Other'.
      My S.O. can't join us for drinks later.
      by T.D. January 20, 2003
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      Jul 6 Word of the Day
      Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
      People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
      by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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      Abbreviation for "Significant Other". The gender-neutral way to refer to someone's boy/girlfriend.
      I'm having a party at my place. Bring your S.O.!
      by The Grammar Nazi November 10, 2001
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      The first word of any answer given by a know-it-all douchebag, said to give the effect that they were already speaking when you asked your question or requested their opinion, in order to feign superiority or to imply that they knew what you wanted to know before you inquired.
      Man: "What sort of food does that restaurant serve?"
      Know-It-All Douche: "So, they have asian fusion and cali fresh, not that you would know what those things aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrre..."

      Man: "Is that new game any good?"
      Know-It-All Douche: "So, this game was developed on the new platform, not that you could understaaaaaaaaaaaaand it..."
      by Papasanfolkhero April 20, 2011
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      n., Acronym - Source of Orgasm. Although "Significant Other" is another, widely used, interpretation, Source of Orgasm really brings it down on the spot.
      My SO is joining me for dinner tonight.
      by Paddy-Whack June 16, 2014
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      a quicker way of saying:

      1) who cares?
      2) what's your point?
      3) why does this / it matter?

      "i found a nickel"

      "it's getting late"
      by k.k. March 22, 2004
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